Belt Loops
- Archery
- Flag Football
- Soccer
- 2a - Pledge of Allegiance
- 2b - Flag Ceremony
- 2C - Flag Respect
- 2e - Raise the Flag
- 2G - Fold the Flag
- 5a - Tools
- 5d - Hammer
- 5e - Make something useful
- 9d - Street and road safety
- 10c - Walk in the Park
- 3a- Make something useful
- 4f - Play a wide area game
- 12c - Mix Paint
- 17a - Overhand and Square knot
- 17e - Overhand knot
- 20c - Archery rules
- 20J - Flag Football
- 20k - Soccer
- 20o - Four outdoor activities
- 23d - Buddy system
- 23e - Daycamp