Science Belt Loop
Some Cubs earned the science belt loop, some did not.
Some of the packs had a scientist that was able to talk for a few minutes, thus meeting all 3 requirements. Other packs still need to complete item #3 for their belt loop.
Achievement 2 Your Flag
a. Say the Pledge of Allegiance. Tell what it means.
b. Lead a flag ceremony in your den.
e. With the help of another person, fold the flag.
Achievement 5 Tools for fixing and building
d. Show how to use a hammer (or Elective 3a.)
e. Build a bird house or something else useful.
Elective 3 Make it yourself
a. Make something useful for your home or school.
Elective 11 Sing-Along
c. Learn and sing three Cub Scout Songs
Elective 17 Tie it right
a. Learn to tie an overhand knot and a square knot.
Elective 18 Outdoor Adventure
a. Help plan a picnic with your family or den. If the Cubs helped plan any of their lunches
f. Take part in two summertime pack events with your den. 1/2 of this one