Saddleback District Cub Scout Day Camp

Day Camp 2003 Home

Adult Training

Youth Training


Day Camp 2003
Emergency/Evacuation Plan

In the event of an emergency, Program Directors will direct all camp participants to report to the Gathering Area.

Once assembled immediately take roll for your Den, including adults. Do not attempt to go and retrieve your sibling or youth volunteers, they will be brought to the gathering area and released to parents AFTER they have all been accounted for. Wait calmly with the boys for directions from the Camp Director or Emergency Personnel.

All Youth are to gather in the grassy area next to Adult Headquarters. Michael Kirkpatrick will take roll, when you are all accounted for, you will then be asked to assist with keeping the cub scouts quietly occupied in the gathering area while we await further instructions from emergency personnel.

We have been instructed to shelter in place in the Gathering Area and await instructions

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