Saddleback District Cub Scout Day Camp
Day Camp 2003 Home
Adult Training
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Day Camp 2003 Health and Safety Information
- Basic for everyone to enforce:
- NO CLIMBING - On trees, buildings or each other.
- NO RUNNING - Walk in camp so you have time to move out of the way when that log rolls in front of you!!!
- There will be lot and lots of campers this year. Safety is always a priority. (Common sense prevails here) Contact camp headquarters if any scout will not follow the rules (despite adequate warnings and / or guidance.) The scout will be counseled at headquarters and may be excluded from part or all of the session.
- O'Neill Park is abundantly supplied with pollen and dust. IF YOU HAVE HAYFEVER OR ALLERGIES start taking your medicines a few days before camp and continue taking them through the week. See Scout medication check in protocol ( #C below)
- The camp environment tends to stir up asthma. Those boys will carry their inhalers with them. Any boy who has severe allergies to bees, food etc. MUST carry their Epi-pens or Anaphylaxis kit on their person!!
- Medications (in their clearly marked prescription bottle) will be held at the First Aid station unless a parent is with the boy and then the parent may hold onto the medication. EPI-PENS AND INHALERS STAY WITH THE CUB SCOUT!!!
- Hydration - Make sure each scout brings a water bottle. Please remind the boys to drink lots of water. By time they feel thirsty, their fluid balance has already been affected. A good rule of thumb is to have everyone take a good swig of water before and after each session, and do it consistently. This includes adults too!!! There will be water jugs at each venue, use them they are there for you!
- Remind the boys to use sunscreen. (they will complain, but pay them no mind)
- Poison Ivy - If you suspect any contact with the plant, wash the area immediately, preferably with soap and hot water.
- Bees and Fire Ants - Since it is impossible for us to tell which type they are (LEAVE THEM ALONE!!)
- In case of a bee attack - Get inside FAST, AND THEN SWAT them off, AHB's are easily aggravated, swatting tends to anger them, do it when away from the swarm.
- Fire Ants have been found at O'Neill Park and those areas are cordoned off. Fire ants swarm on anyone who bothers them or their nest. The bites are painful but are not lethal (unless you have an allergy similar to bee stings). Don't take chances - LEAVE THE ANTS ALONE!!
- Each program area manager will have a walkie-talkie . Have them contact the first aid station if you have any urgent concerns or situations.
- Keeping Universal Precautions for bodily fluids contact in mind. Latex gloves will be available at each venue for the contact of blood, vomit, feces, or urine. Have the area manager contact first aid for assistance and clean up.
- If you send a scout to the first aid station send them with an adult or a youth volunteer, (if you don't have one with you, request one through the area manager). ALWAYS USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM!!!!!!
Have fun and be safe!!
Any questions? Feel free to give me a call.
John O'Keeffe - Health and Safety Officer
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