Saddleback District Cub Scout Day Camp

Day Camp 2003 Home


Day Camp 2003 Day Camp Pack Coordinator Check List and Information


Every form needs to be completed in its entirety. Please check each thoroughly. The following items are often overlooked, resulting in returned forms:

-Session #
-Pack #
-Emergency Contact - must have at least one
-Shirt Size
-Total Due
-Insurance Info (if they do not have health insurance, write NONE)

 Signatures are essential!
Form Which Signatures Total #
 Tigers (purple)  Emergency, Archery 2
 Cub (yellow)  Emergency, Archery 2
 Webelos (goldenrod)  Emergency, Archery 2
 Adult (blue)  Emergency, Standards 2
 Youth (green)  Youth, Emergency, Archery 3
 Tot (pink)  Emergency, Archery, Participation 3

  • Rank in Fall and Grade in Fall refer to Fall, 2003, next school year.
  • Your members make their check out to your pack. The pack writes one check to O.C. B. S. A.
  • Adult volunteers must be 18 years old.
  • Park rangers will collect parking fees of $2.00 per day for anyone staying throughout the day. You may drop off without charge, do not attempt to park without paying, you will be cited by the O.C. Sheriff's Department.
  • An individual should not register directly with the Registrar. All registrations should be submitted together by the Pack Coordinator.

    Copies of forms: When submitting your registration packet, please provide a copy (in addition to the original) of the Tiger, Webelos and cub forms. It is not necessary to copy any other registration form, ONLY THE TIGERS, WEBELOS AND CUBS.

    Additional forms and rosters can be printed from the daycamp website. The forms, including the rosters can be filled in on your computer and then printed or printed and filled in by hand. Daycamp staff can be contacted via email from the daycamp website. The website address is

    The following information should assist you in answering questions from the parents in your pack. Please feel free to use the website email option if you have additional questions, or require clarification.

    Adults - Each adult volunteer (must be 18 years old), must complete an adult application form, and include this form with their cub scout registration, Adults must not be on-site unless we have a completed application form on file. BSA standards state that we must have a 1 to 4 ratio of adults to boys on-site at all times. All adults must attend training (see list of important dates). Adults who volunteer for 3 or more days will receive a t-shirt (this is our camp uniform and is to be worn every day), a daycamp patch, and a $10.00 gift certificate for the scout shop. In order to allow parents to volunteer we run a Sibling program to care for siblings who are not participating in daycamp.

    Siblings - Girls and boys ages 3-10 (must be potty trained). The sibling camp is run as a convenience to the parents who volunteer at daycamp. Adults who volunteer to work at camp may register their other children in the Sibling Camp program which is on-site during daycamp hours. Parent volunteers must complete a registration form for each child attending the sibling camp program, there is a one-time charge of $5.00 (for t-shirt and program cost) to participate in the sibling camp. This program is ONLY available to children whose parents are volunteering at daycamp, while the parent is on-site. Parents must pick up their children during the lunch/dinner break and return them after the lunch/dinner break. At NO TIME should siblings accompany their parents in the program areas.

    Youth Volunteers - Girls and boys, must be entering the 6th grade in the fall of 2002 or be 11 years old. A youth registration form must be completed and turned in with other registrations. Must attend training (see important dates list). Youth must volunteer for at least 3 days. They will receive a t-shirt (this is our camp uniform and is to be worn every day), a camp patch and community service hours for the time spent assisting at daycamp.

Email to: Webmaster
