
Day Camp 2004

The American Adventure

Youth Volunteers

Day Camp 2004 Home

Youth Training Information

To be a Youth Volunteer at daycamp you need to be 11 years old or going into the 6th grade. You also need to be able to colunteer for three or more days. And you need to fill out and turn in a registration form. You also need to come to one of the Youth Training Sessions on June 7th or 12th. Youth get one Camp T shirt free and can purchase additional ones. The Camp T shirt is the uniform for camp.

Youth who are interested in a leadership position should fill out a Leadership Position Application / Interview Form You can download copies of it here as a Word Document or as a PDF Document. Bring the completed form with you to one of the Youth Training Sessions on June 7th or 12th.

All youth must complete a registration form. Youth need to be able to volunteer three or more days at camp. You also need to come to one of the Youth Training Sessions on June 7th or 12th.

You can download general Youth Volunteer Registration forms as a PDF file here. Bring this with you to one of the Youth Training Sessions on June 7th or 12th. Make sure that ALL of the required signatures are on the form.

If you are interested in working on the archery range you need to look at the information here.

If you are interested in working on the traffic crew or one or more of the merit badges you should take a look at the information Deputy Spratt has posted here.

If you have questions you can email Michael Kirkpatrick the Youth Volunteer Director at: michael@saddlebackdaycamp.org

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