Your responsibilities as an Adult Volunteer at daycamp:
- Explanation of 'Daycamp Dens" and Packs, you are responsible for ALL campers listed on your Roster - not just the boys you know!
- Assist Daycamp Staff in assuring that campers have a safe and fun-filled week!
- Get them to the designated program areas on time, perform periodic head counts, report missing campers immediately
- Keep the boys SAFE
- Assist the boys with projects/events
- Assist Program Managers in each area to keep the boys under control and focused.
- Implement sign-in and sign-out procedures, DO NOT leave if all boys have not been picked-up, take them to headquarters if necessary.
- Report any difficulties to the Camp Director or Camp Administrator
- Take all medical problems (even a scratch) to the Health and Safety Officer. Do not treat them yourself! This includes adult injuries.
- Be aware of camp Emergency/Evacuation Procedures (review of this to follow - John O'Keeffe)
- Lunch time is NOT free time (you are still responsible for the boys in your Den)
- Utilize BSA's Youth Protection Guidelines - YPT training is offered immediately following
- Label Everything!! It's a good idea to bring a sharpie pen and some masking tape. Each den will be provided with a 5 gallon bucket to help carry the boys things. Neckerchiefs and clipboards will be in the bucket, leave the clipboard in the bucket at the end of each day.
- At least one Adult in each Den needs to bring a cooler with ice for the boys lunches and water bottles. Wagons are a good idea for hauling around stuff.
- Adults need to be a little early for each session, so you are there to check the boys in.
- Daycamp Uniform: Camp T-shirts are to be worn everyday. Tennis shoes or hiking boots. Hats are a good idea. T-shirts are color coded as follows: Daycamp Staff - dark green; Camp Medics - red; Adult Volunteers (this would be you) - royal blue; Youth Volunteers - orange; Campers - light blue; Siblings - kelly green. For those adults without a t-shirt royal blue neckerchiefs will be used to identify them.
- You will have to pay $3.00 per day to O'Neill Park for parking. This year we are offering pre-paid parking passes. They are available for purchase at training sessions
- Visitors: Anyone on-site (other than drop-off and pick-up), must check-in at Headquarters for a 'Visitor Pass', if they do not have an Adult application on file.
Emergency/Evacuation Procedures: John O'Keeffe
- In the event of an emergency, Program Directors will direct all camp participants to report to the Gathering Area. Once assembled immediately take roll for your Den, including adults. Do not attempt to go and retrieve your sibling or youth volunteers, they will be brought to the gathering area and released to parents AFTER they have all been accounted for. Wait calmly with the boys for directions from the Camp Director or Emergency Personnel. Keep the kids calm and quietly occupied.
- We have been instructed to 'shelter in place' in the Gathering Area and await instructions from Emergency Personnel. They will decide what action is appropriate.
Information from the Camp Health and Safety Officer: John O'Keeffe
- The Medical Station is located next to Headquarters across from the Gathering Area
- All program areas will be equipped with an 'emergency supply bag' these will be stocked with gloves, resuscitation masks and gauze pads. THESE ARE TO BE USED TO TREAT LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCIES, not cuts and scrapes!
- In the event of a medical emergency, have the Program Manager radio the medic, they will come to you.
Traffic and Safety: Thom Spratt, Deputy Sheriff.
- Drop-off and pick-up procedures (CARPOOLS ARE NECESSARY)
- Parking - park only in designated parking spots. Violations will result in tickets.
- Lost camper procedure - Report missing campers to staff right away.
- Suspicious characters - O'Neill is a public park. If you have a concern have the staff get in touch with Deputy Spratt.
Archery Program: Jim Bennett and Keith Johnson
- Campers are kept at the gate until Rangemaster feels they are calm enough to enter the range. With your help in calming the boys, they will enter the range sooner!
- Youth Volunteers (Orange shirts) on the archery range wearing red/black and orange neckerchiefs, have been through extensive training to prepare them to assist the rangemasters in running a safe range - do not ignore their directions/instructions.
On the first day of Camp, each Den will receive a clipboard with the following information:
- List of all boys in the Den
- Identification of any boys with serious/life threatening allergies or physical conditions
- Identification of campers with custody issues.
- Sign-in/Sign-out Sheet
- Weekly Schedule
- Map of the Park
- Campers and Adult volunteers are not to use walkie-talkie radios while at
- Please bring any questions, problems or concerns to the Camp Director immediately.
General Rules for Daycamp:
- SMILE! Say positive things.
- No smoking
- No use of alcohol or other controlled substances
- No obscene, abusive or lewd language, gestures or actions
- No hitting or any other type of physical punishment
- No sexual remarks or innuendoes
- Never be alone with a youth, always stay within view of other adults/youth
- Adults and youth should not use the bathroom facilities at the same time
- If you have a youth who is repeatedly misbehaving, they should be brought to headquarters for a 'time out' period.
- If you feel yourself getting stressed, take a time out yourself. You can always come up to headquarters and talk things out if you need.
- If you notice signs of stress in another adult, offer to give them a break or bring it to the attention of someone on staff
Stress can affect adults or youth, some signs of stress are:
- Over tiredness
- Bad temper
- Irritable, crying, yelling, swearing
- Extremely hungry
- Throwing things
- Hitting things or people
- Withdrawal
- BSA Youth Protection Training