Saddleback District Cub Scout Day Camp
Day Camp 2019 Home
Day Camp 2019 Archery Scout Badges
Archery Merit Badge Program, Boy Scouts of America

Earning merit badges gives a Scout the kind of self-confidence that comes from overcoming obstacles to achieve a goal.
Through the merit badge program, a Scout also learns career skills, develops socially,
and may develop physical skills and hobbies that give a lifetime of healthful recreation.
The steps to follow in the merit badge program are outlined in the current Boy Scout Requirements.
This book lists the requirements a Scout meets to earn each of the more than 100 merit badges that are available.
Scouts must be tested individually, and they must meet all the requirements
The question arises as to whether it is permissible to have Scouts earn merit badges in groups.
Many subjects may be presented to groups of Scouts without defeating one of the
purposes of the merit badge plan -- working closely with a qualified Scout.
The National Executive Board has approved this policy statement on merit badge counseling:
- "To the fullest extent possible, the merit badge counseling relationship is
a counselor-Scout arrangement in which the boy is not only judged on his performance
of the requirements, but receives maximum benefit from the knowledge, skill, character, and personal interest of his counselor.
Group instruction and orientation are encouraged where special facilities and
expert personnel make this most practical, or when Scouts are dependent on only
a few counselors for assistance. However, this group experience should be followed
by attention to each individual candidate's projects and his ability to fulfill all requirements."
- Note: Mom and Dad - All merit badge requests by email and telephone calls by
individuals over eighteen years of age will be politely ignored.
Please indicate in the comments section of your on-line sign up page which training session you will be attending.
Things to bring on training days - merit badge session, June 2 or 8
- $6 for arrow making material
- Current Archery Merit Badge Pamphlet
- Signed blue card - a sample is here
- Be Prepared with the
BSA Archery Merit Badge Worksheet (as complete as possible, we will review it)
Archery Interest Badge/Try-It Program,

Girl Scouts of America
Earning Interest badges and Try-Its give girls the kind of self-confidence that comes from overcoming obstacles to achieve a goal.
Through the Girl Scout San Diego Imperial Council archery is now available to girl scouts nationwide.
The requirements are available below in our important documents, and badges can be ordered from the council's
Things to bring on training days - merit badge session, June 2 or 8.
- $5 for arrow making material
- Be Prepared with the BSA Archery Merit Badge Worksheet
(as complete as possible, we will review it).
Email to:
the webmaster