Requirements for Readyman Badge (pg. 248/249 of Webelos book)
Do ALL of the following 6:
Wednesday |
- Explain First Aid & tell what to do after an accident.
- Explain how to get help quickly in an emergency in the home.
- (The boys need to make a "help list" of people/agencies to post
near their phone at home,but this can be assigned for "homework" or
to be done later.)
- Show what to do for these "hurry cases":
- Serious & Stopped Bleeding
- Internal Poisoning
- Heart Attack
- Show how to treat shock
- Show first aid for the following:
- Cuts & scratches
- Burns & scalds
- Choking
- Tell what steps must be taken for a safe swim with their den, pack, family, or other group.
- Explain the reasons for the buddy system.
Plus, two of the following
- Explain six safety rules for bicycling
Friday |
- Make a home fire escape plan
- Explain how to use items in a first aid kit.
- Tell where accidents are most likely to occur in the home.
- Explain six safety rules for riding in a car.
Wednesday |
- Attend a First Aid demonstration.
Requirements for Engineer Badge (pg. 281 of Webelos book)
Do 5 of the following:
List 10 different things engineers do.
Tuesday |
Visit a construction site & look at a set of plans.
(The survey activity includes a discussion of the elements of a blueprint,
and these are used in drawing the home floor plan (#9)).
- Visit a civil engineer & understand how to measure a property line.
(We will have the boys survey a "property")
Tell about how electricity is generated and transmitted to your home.
- Construct a simple working electrical circuit using a flashlight battery, switch, and light bulb.
- Make drawings of three kinds of bridges and explain the differences.
Construct a model bridge.
Monday |
Make a block and tackle and show how it works.
(The boys assembled a block and tackle, and used them for tug 'o war)
Friday |
Build a catapult and show how it works.
(Wood working project 2)
Tuesday |
Draw a floor plan of your house. Include doors, windows, and stairways.
(This is also used to show fire escape plan for the Readyman badge)
Explain how engineers use computers.
Requirements for Artist Badge (pg. 107 of Webelos book)
Do 5 of the following:
Draw or paint an original picture.
Frame it.
Tuesday |
List the primary and secondary colors.
Explain what happens when they are mixed.
(The name plate activity (part of making the totems) covers this.)
3) Using a computer, make 6 original designs using straight lines, curved lines, or both.
- Draw a profile of someone. (Tracing from a shadow)
Tuesday |
Use clay to sculpt a simple object.
Wednesday |
Make a mobile.
Tuesday |
Make an art construction (name plates, clay projects, & mobile).
Wednesday |
Create a collage.
(The boys are to create a summer activity collage and present it
to their den in the fall {a collection of pictures, ticket stubs, etc. from the summer}.
They started it in camp, but won't finish it until the end of the summer.